Lois Monteiro
M.Ac. Licensed Acupuncturist
Japanese Style Acupuncture & Moxibustion
Lois Monteiro is a Licensed Acupuncturist specializing in Japanese Style Acupuncture and Moxibustion. Lois sees patients of all ages for conditions ranging from acute and chronic pain, digestive, autoimmune and infertility. She specializes in treating psycho-emotional conditions such as anxiety and depression. Lois holds a Master in Acupuncture from the New England School of Acupuncture/Massachusetts College of Pharmaceutical and Health Science (MCPHS). She is licensed in Massachusetts by the Board of Registration in Medicine. She is also Auricular Acupuncture Certified by the Auriculotherapy Institute. Her passion for this medicine is, every person treated is seen as an individual and receives custom care. The focus of treatment is to activate the body’s natural healing potential by treating the root cause of the disharmony of mind, body and spirit to improve overall health and well being.
Lois gravitates towards Japanese style acupuncture; diagnosis and treating patients based on the palpation of the abdomen and feeling of the pulse. The gentle insertion and manipulation of needles (or treatment magnets for people with needle phobia), to balance body energy is effective in treating mental/emotional disorders, infertility and pain. Moxibustion is an intricate part of treatment used to warm and invigorate the flow of Qi in the body and dispel certain pathogenic influences.
Her experience at Malden Family Health Center of the Cambridge Health Alliance and Lemuel Shattuck Hospital proves valuable in integrative medicine; working on an outpatient basis. Many patients in these clinics suffered from anxiety disorders with intense side effects of their medication including nausea, mood swings, insomnia and depression. Acupuncture reduced these side effects, even supporting patients with decreasing pharmaceutical dosage without the return of anxiety. Western medicine practitioners focused on the immediate resolution of the diagnosis and the Eastern medicine practitioner focused on the underlying reasons for the disharmony causing illness. The combination of both medicines proved to shorten recovery time after surgery, negate some side effects of medication and gave the patients a feeling of well being.