What is CBD Oil?
CBD Oil There are many healing properties to CBD oil. If you do some research, you will find a long list of benefits including: Natural pain relief and anti-inflammatory Quitting s
Unsubstantiated Fear
What is holding you back? So many people have no idea of what is preventing them from living the life they really want. You can imagine their relief when they find out unsubstantia
New Years Resolution
I know so many people that have the same resolution ever year. “I want to loose weight”. So, they go back to the gym and eat salads for lunch. The problem with this, and
It’s All In Your Head
Stories From The Frontline Of Psychosomatic Illness, by Suzanne O’Sullivan This book explains how the most common psychosomatic symptoms are fatigue and pain. These symp
Acupuncture PMS and Dysmenorrhea
A healthy menstrual cycle should come at regular intervals about every 28 days, arriving and departing uneventfully like the peaking and ebbing of the ocean tides. PMS and d
Acupuncture and Infertility
Infertility is diagnosed when a couple has been trying to get pregnant for 1 year without success. Recent research suggests, 1 in 10 couples suffer from this condition causing them
What Can Acupuncture Treat?
My first blog. There was no question about what to write. For as long as I can remember, when people find out that I am an acupuncturist, the first question is, ‘Can you help